Experience affordable and high-quality acupuncture in a peaceful group setting, aimed at reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting overall well-being. Eva will ask you about your chief concerns and few other health questions to best access the treatment plan. Then you will get comfortable reclining on a yoga mat with a bolster and blanket already set up for you. Needles are placed on arms, feet, legs, ears and head easing you into a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, and allowing you to release any blockages or stuck emotions. Eva envisions a world where acupuncture is part of everyday life for all people.  Come wearing comfy clothing and ready to feel the healing benefits of community acupuncture.

Each session lasts for 30 minutes, with appointments scheduled at 15-minute intervals to ensure adequate time for Eva to set up each client with their needles and allow them to rest comfortably. It's essential to arrive on time, as late arrivals may result in shortened session times to accommodate all patients.