Acupuncture în Missoula, Montana with Eva
Acupuncture is a complete medicine system and supported by more than two thousand years of practice and research. It is a safe and effective method, used throughout the world both as a primary and adjunct treatment for a variety of health issues.
Acupuncture uses stainless steel, disposable needles. The fine, single use needles are placed gently in the skin, usually without any pain or sensation.
Spiritual Acupuncture
Eva believes that self-cultivation, and focus on personal and emotional growth is essential for healing. Eva utilizes the Secondary Vessels as an effective treatment of psycho-emotional and psycho-spiritual imbalances. The Secondary Vessels encompass the 8 Extra Vessels, which are in essence a blueprint of ones deeper life purpose. Accessing them helps to tap into ones higher purpose allowing a fulfilling journey through life unencumbered by stuck emotions such as grief, fear, or worry. Sessions can align one with their higher self, deeply connecting to the heart. When spiritual alighnment is balanced with acupuncture, physical symptoms are alleviated such as digestive issues, immune system weakness, insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression.
“We are learning that most illness is preventable – so staying healthy by using diet, mindful exercise and supporting the body with balancing modalities such as acupuncture, and herbs can prevent most long-term illness.”
Acupuncture excels at treating conditions that Western Medicine cannot help. Acupuncture takes into consideration all of your signs and symptoms along with your diet, stress levels and emotional well-being.
Acupuncture helps with:
Low energy & fatigue
Feeling overwhelmed by stress and lifestyle
Increasing well-being
Increased athletic performance
Guidance with diet and nutrition
Improved performance in mind-body activity, such as yoga, Qi Gong, and Meditation
Increased cognitive performance
Seeking longevity
Learning how to prevent illness and disease